As a specific professional tool designed for photovoltaic installers, archelios™ Calc takes into account any kind of PV installation in its totality: from the photovoltaic panels to the inverter and from the inverter to the network.
archelios™ Calc presents a complete and global view of the photovoltaic installation, from the photovoltaic modules to the connection to the public power network.
archelios™ Calc is a solution which ensures optimal security with real time photovoltaic calculation of the installation and its control according to the standards.
Main technical characteristics:
Detailed synoptic of all the installation
DC and AC electrical sizing, mono or multi inverters
Detailed management of inverters (multi-trackers, multi-strings, integrated protections…)
Analysis of the lightning hazard (sizing of lightning arresters)
Processing all types of PV installation including beyond 250 kVA
Calculation in real time and multi-standard controls
Integrated or customizable multi-manufacturers database
Visualization of non-compliant elements
Edition of the complete regulatory folder for the controlling organization