With their small footprint these 1 Watt DC/DC converters are an ideal and economical solution for many applications where an isolated voltage is required. Typical applications are ground loop elimination, noise reduction, voltage isolation in digital interfaces and voltage conversion in distributed power systems. With a new package design these converters are qualified for the higher temperatures requested by lead-free reflow solder processes. For automated SMD production lines the devices can be supplied in standard tape and reel package.
High efficiency up to 80%
Operating temperature range
–40°C to +90°C
High accuracy of pin co-planarity
Qualified for leadfree reflow solder
process according IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020C
Available in tape and reel package
3-year product warranty
CE Declaration
For those Power Supplies which fall under the Low Voltage directive (2014/35/EU) or the EMC directive (2014/30/EU) or ATEX directive (2014/34/EU) or RoHS directive (2011/65/EU) of the European Union TRACO Electronic AG provides a CE Declaration.
REACH Declaration
TRACOPOWER products do not generally fall under the REACH directive. Individual REACH Declarations are available via a link from the product datasheets or upon request.
RoHS Compliance
TRACOPOWER completed successfully in July, 2006 the process of producing all power supply and dc/dc converter fully compliant to the European RoHS Directive (2002/95/EC). Excepted are those products which have been removed from the actual sales program (obsolete products).