Fluidyn PANACHE is a software family dedicated to the simulation of atmospheric pollutant dispersion and air quality prediction. Based entirely on a 3D-CFD approach (Computational Fluid Dynamics), the modelling tools can predict with high accuracy the gas/particle dispersion both in the near field and far field. Among all the features, Fluidyn-PANACHE takes into account the effects of buildings, complex topography, land covers, weather conditions, atmospheric boundary layer, transient and chronic emission (gas, particles, dense gas, fire products, 2 phases releases…). Fluidyn-PANACHE modules have been designed for engineers without expertise in Fluid Dynamics or numerical simulation while still allowing them to benefit of the state-of-the-art technology in CFD modelling. Solvers are fully integrated with user-friendly interface for pre processing phases (numerical model construction, source term definition, meshing…) and post processing phases (results analysis) .
Fluidyn-PANEPR is a 3D-CFD tool dedicated to the accidental dispersion modelling of gas or particles/ droplets over a complex terrain at high resolution.
Air flow simulation around obstacles and over topography
Toxic/Flamamble gas dispersion
Heavy/Hot/Dense releases
Multiples sources (stacks, point, areas, volume…)
Fire products dispersion
Optimisation of mitigation measures
Radionuclides dispersion
Sensor network optimisation
Acute human health exposure