It’s a dedicated quick coupler, "built into" the beam of the bucket to not modify the kinematic system excessively. T-Lock is available in three models for excavators from 1.2 to 16 t. observing specific dimensions of bucket adapter.
weights: from 30 to 210 kg
excavator weights: from 1,2 to 16 ton
- Available in both mechanical and hydraulic versions
- Reversible for front and back hooking of the bucket
- Available in three models for excavators from 1,2 to 16 ton
- The hydraulic version is equipped with a cylinder H that moves the closing lever G which couples onto pin P2. At the same time, safety hook S locks pin P1 automatically, ensuring total locking.
cylinder H equipped with a blocking valve to prevent the release of the equipment
safety hook S to prevent the equipment from falling in case of breakdown
two safety springs M which keep the lever G pressed in the event of a hydraulic system failure