If you work in an environment where gas may be present and you need a product that is corrosion resistant, then the GS550 stainless steel display is a rock solid solution for your application.
Users now have the choice of buying our aluminum housed display or our new stainless display with CSA/ATEX certification.
Users can monitor any combination of the following sensors: load, boom angle, list/trim angle, out of level angle, boom length, radius, anti-two-block, wind speed, load charts, You can buy the system today as a wind speed indicator, next month you can add as an example load cells, angle and load charts.
All communication between LSI sensors and the GS550 display is wireless. This eliminates cables, costly installation charges and expensive/timely troubleshooting of cable breaks, junction boxes etc. Our product Is plug and play, if there is a sensor failure the system tells the operator which part has an issue 99% of the time the operator can resolve the problem, eliminating the
need to have an onsite technician.