HORIZON free-standing guardrails provide a continuous collective protection solution for rooftops and terraces.
As falling from a height is defined as a major risk on all buildings, the company or project manager is required to prevent risks by giving to collective protection systems priority over individual protection systems.
Use: recommended when attaching to the parapet or terrace is complex or impossible. For slopes <5°. A ground stop of minimum 50 mm high is mandatory and toeboards if ground stop < 100 mm.
Fastening: are installed directly on the walkway surface, thereby preventing all problems associated with waterproofing.
Material: aluminium
Standard: NF E85-015 and EN ISO 14122-3. With the new versions of the standard NF E85-015 in 2019, free-standing guardrails must be justified by static and dynamic tests.
To highlight the aesthetic appearance of buildings, guardrails are available as angled or folding versions.