Our manufacturing program also includes supporting type current transformers for outdoor installation. The resin
is cycloaliphatic and outdoor proof. Because it is vacuum impregnated and cured under a long thermally
controlled cycle, an insulating material of high electrical and mechanical qualities, resistance to ultraviolet rays and
the effects of tracking, erosion and ageing, is thus obtained. For an increase in the creep age distance, the
insulation body is equipped with double sheds, the shape of which has been determined aftermany years of
research. They contain up to five cores for revenue metering and protection purposes, constructed from high
quality siliceousor nickel steel laminations. In case 1:2 reconnection is requested, thiscan be achieved either by
mounting reconnection bars to the primary terminals, or by an intermediate terminal at the secondary coil.
Highest voltage for equipmet (kV) 12 24 36
Rated insulation level (kV) 12/28/75 24/50/125 36/70/170
Rated primary current (A) 5 up to 1200
Rated secondary current (A) 5 or 1
Accuracy class of measuring core 0.1 ; 0.2S : 0.2 : 0.5S; 0.5: 1 : 3
Instrument security factor 5or 10
Rated burden of measuring core (VA) 1.25 up to 30
Accuracy class of protection core 5P;10P
Accuracy limit factor 5or 10 or 15 or 20
Rated burden of protection core (VA) 1.25 up to 30
Number of cores 1
Rated frequency (Hz) 162/3:50:60
Rated thermal short-time current (kA) Ith = 100 - 300 x In (max 80)
Rated dynamic current (kA) Idyn ■ 2.5 x Ith
Class of insulation E
Weight (kg) 26 28 38
Creepage distance (mm) 545 745 1055
Creep per kV line-to-line voltage (cnVkV) 4.54 3.1 2.93
Cantilever strength (N) >5000