Oscilloscopes are used for the maintenance of electronic equipment and laboratory work, but special purpose versions of the model are used for the analysis of automotive ignition systems.
The device has a color or monochrome LCD display, a dual channel, and a 4K channel memory depth. It also features an advanced triggering function. The model may also be used for an FFT spectrum analysis. Its parameter measurements include Vpp, Vamp, Vrms, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, among others. It also features basic mathematical functions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There are also 10 waveforms parameter setups, such as save and recall.
The device has a sample rate of 500MHz up to 1GSa/s. A power supply of 100 - 240V.45 - 65Hz.<50W must be used to power the operations.