Ash content of coal means after burned the coal at a certain temperature measure the residue percentage of the content. How much ash content is a measure of the calorific value of coal is an important technical indicators, it is one of the main basis for evaluation of coal quality and sales pricing. So control the quality of the stability of coal ash is an important means to ensure coal product quality. It’s a great significance for social and economic benefits of enterprises.
Ash gauge (the ash analyzer) use dual γ-ray penetration method can eliminate the influence of coal porosity, particle size and other factors, rapid measure the coal ash and calorific value.This method is commonly used method for fast online coal quality analyzer, the method used radioisotope has a low energy level, use a long time (the shortest half-life 30 years), low dosage and other characteristics, safe and reliable, in lifetime no need to replace radioactive sources.
After years of practice shows that the ash analyzer for improving the rational use of coal resources, stable quality, reduce costs with significant economic and social benefits, has been widely used in coal preparation plant, coal mines, power plants, coal plants, steel mills, cement plants, civil coal blending industrial production, export coal testing and other industries.