The ST-AAS-7000 edition of atomic absorption spectro-photometers with vast utilization in different sectors like gold, petrochemical, geology, medical, environmental-safety, scientific-research, agriculture, disease control, food, material science, commodity examination. It has an enhanced visual-system, world's first integrated layout with automated switching abilities, dependable safety unit, unrivaled scalability and extreme automated mechanics.
For technical data, there is a visual unit with wavelength spectrum of 190-900 nm with ± 0.2 nm precision, C-T grating of the monochromator and 250 nm of blaze wavelength. The wavelength redundancy is less than 0.1nm for the ST-AAS-7002/ST-AAS-7003 versions and less than 0.2 nm for the ST-AAS-7000/ST-AAS-7001 versions. It has a resolution greater than 0.3 nm, with variable spectral frequency spectrum of 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0, 2.0 nm and five-speed automatic switching for the ST-AAS-7002/ST-AAS-7003 versions. It has 1800/mm of grating curves with less than ± 0.004A/30min of dynamic baseline stability and ± 0.002A/30min for constant. There is less than 0.02 μg / ml of Cu concentration with less than 1% accuracy.