Suction filters protect the downstream hydraulic-pump from coarse contamination, mainly due to lack of initial cleaning or to an accidental ingression.
They take care of the pump, ensuring a safe and efficient operation.
Suction Filters must be properly sized to avoid the cavitation of the pump. A proper filter media selection is highly recommended.
Although these filters play an important role in the hydraulic circuit, the general cleanliness level required by the system must be ensured by additional filters having that function, as Return or Pressure fiIters.
User Benefits:
Suction filters represent the “first-line” filtration and are used to:
avoid the ingress of contamination into the hydraulic circuit
prolong the lifetime of finer downstream filtration
reduce the particulate-load on the finer filter, thus extending servicelife-intervals, unplanned downtime and maintenance
avoid damage to the finer downstream filter from coarse particulate, such as rust