UFI Filters Hydraulics possess the necessary filtration technology and background to manufacture high quality filter elements to meet OE, OES and independent aftermarket requirements even for the most demanding and challenging hydraulic application.
UFI Hydraulics filter elements range includes filtration solutions for:
Return line filters
Suction filters
Pressure filters
Lubrication filters
Transmission filters
Combo return-suction filters
User benefits:
Due to the proven experience in the filtration industry and the quality of the used materials, UFI Hydraulics filter element presents the following features:
Made with innovative media solutions, FormulaUFI media, which includes a wide range of materials, filtration rating and offers the possibility of flexible combination of the media
Grant definite and reliable performance, consistent over time
Guarantee high efficiency and greater storage capacity than similar products on the market
Ensures a like-for-like performance with the OE component and, in many cases, even exceed the performance characteristics of the original