Material: 100% Stainless Steel
Inoxtruck tilter allows an ergonomic handling/casting of loads, thanks to the tilting system 85˚ and 130˚. This equipment has a hygienic and ergonomic design for eurobins that make possible dairy cleaning, avoiding the microbiological contamination risk and ergonomic load handling/tilting to a conveyor belt or other containers, reducing the effort in your food industry plant.
Hygienic and Innovative Design:
Totally opened chassis, waterproof compartment for lifting system, and the operator drives and controls with IP protections provide together with continuous welding top hygienic design, making possible a total cleaning, keeping the equipment in perfect working order. Curved and sloped structure for perfect drainage and fast drying.
Ergonomics and Efficiency:
The ergonomic design of the handle and the existence of the emergency stop button and drive sides of the chassis to allow the operator to easily handle, reducing stress during transport and load dump. Furthermore, the funnel and tilting angle are adjustable, making possible to carry out different types of work with different types of eurobins. The automatic clamping for entry and remove the eurobin increases the ergonomy.
100% Stainless:
Manufactured 100% in stainless steel including all hydraulic equipment.
Minimum maintenance:
All bearings are sealed waterproof and self-lubricated. All moveable parts are supplied by free of lubrication polymeric bushings and the watertight batteries don´t need maintenance.