Inspection conveyor in the shape of the rotary table.
Product (carrot, potato, onion, etc.) poured into the hopper by the
elevator feeding the middle section of the wheel.
(Pictured device for the carrot inspection)
Wheel diameter….4000-4500 ; countertop in the shape of ring
made of sheet metal, width of the ring….800
Ring devided into three sections
Middle, width…350 – dirty carrot, dispensing by the palletcase elevator into the hopper. Basket placed over the channel.
Internal, width..250 – sliced carrot, convenient for the further
processing. Discharge of the treated carrot by the scraper to the
output conveyor.
External, width…200- the discards, the cut-offs. Discharge by
the scraper into the container placed on the outside.
Employees are standing around the ring. Each carrot must be
taken into the hand, process and cast into the appropriate
trough section .Carrots left on, not taken come back into place
The power feed by the motoreductor located underneath through
the rack and the chain wrapped on the pitch diameter of the ringcircle.
Wheel speed adjusted by the inverter..