Void security labels for audit control of cleaning & sanitisation regimes
• 85x40mm Green Void Security Labels, marked 'Clean and Sanitised'
• Each label voids after use and is sequentially numbered, providing audit of infection control and cleaning regimes
• Sanitised Labels can be used within the hospitality sector to provide peace of mind to guests and customers that deep cleaning has taken place
For use as part of infection control cleaning and sanitisation protocols, these large 85x40mm security labels are marked 'Cleaned and Sanitised' and can be applied to all types of equipment, kit, doors, handles etc to provide clear and 'at a glance' indication of completed cleaning regimes.
Each 'Cleaned and Sanitised' label is uniquely numbered and manufactured from a non-residue security material designed to visually void once peeled away (but leaving no residue on the item itself). This ensures that each label can only ever be applied once, giving you visibility and audit control of fully cleaned and decontaminated equipment, rooms etc. Each infection control security label also has a space for writing the name of cleaner and dates/times as required. Presented on rolls of 250pcs.