Uster HVI 1000 provides the most accurate and repeatable test results for the efficient classification of cotton quality.
Cotton classing
Raw material purchasing
•Classification of more than 50% of the world's cotton
•Universal HVI Cotton Standards established on Uster HVI
•The unique Fiber Comb design ensures the most accurate and comparable data in the market.
•Comb Moisture allows measurements to be corrected, thus reflecting real
values under standard conditions.
When reputations depend on quality
HVI 1000 has an unrivaled track record of producing precise and dependable test results when classifying cotton. Compliance with the strictest measurement tolerances set down by USDA has contributed to this reputation for unbeatable accuracy. The system provides full reports on eleven important quality characteristics of the fiber. The fiber quality data allow spinners to make smarter and simpler pricing and purchasing decisions.
Color/Trash/Mic Module
Testing the color characteristics and trash particle content
Testing the fineness and maturity characteristics
Length/Strength Module
For testing the length, short fiber, and tensile properties
Two models configured for throughput and automation
HVI 1000 M1000 for high throughput with automatic color tray, dual sampler buckets
HVI 1000 M700 for lower throughput with manual color sample placement and one sampler bucket
Barcode reader
For automatic entry of bale tag barcode IDs
Nep Testing Module
Optional module for testing the nep content of cotton samples