" The UFL fiber Laser, built for long-life with precision components and its rigid construction, is able to work continuously and precisely in the most severe conditions.
Drives, encoders, and rails have to be placed on precision surfaces. Even the slightest defects can cause serious damage to drives and encoders. This is why, main body of UFL Fiber Laser is machined perfectly on Travelling duel Column Soraluce CNC machine towers.
We have two Sereis Fiber laser, UFL-S Series with Servo motors and UFL-L Series with Linear motor teccnology. Encoders, linear motors and rails on linear model machines and rack & pinions and rails on Servo motor machines are machined on CNC machines with micron-rated precision. This is the foundation of the high tolerance processing achieved with the UFL Fiber Laser.
" Standard Accessories:
"* 4 Axis (X, Y, U, Z)
* Servo Motor
* Auto - focus cutting head
* IPG Laser Source
* IPG Chiller Unit (2 kw. & ower)
* OMI Chiller Unit (0,5 & 1 kw.)
* Clean-dry air system
* Safety Cabinet
* Automatic-Dual Shuttle Table
* CAD/CAM Software ( Lantek or Metalix or Almacam)
* 15’’ Touchscreen Controller
* Conveyor
* Warning Lamp
* Nozzle Set
" What is Laser?
" A Laser is the abbreviation of “Light Amplification of Stimulated Emission of Radiation
The Foundation of the Laser depends on thephotons, which are created by electron transfers between different energy levelled particles.
" Internal structure of laser unit
The ytterbium laser light is created inside the laser unit. Laser light created at the resonator is transferred to the cutting head by the fiber-optic cable without loss of power or quality. Thus, a light with a high beam quality