The optical sensors, SLO series, are a valid solution for level control of liquids, even for applications in small tanks. The optical sensor is located in a metallic body which includes a polysulfone prism inside of which there is inserted an infrared transceiver. As soon as the sensor is immersed in the liquid, the refraction index of the prism is changed and a large part of the infrared beam is dispersed in the liquid, causing the output to change state. The sensor is particularly suitable to be side mounted for control of translucent liquids even colored.
• No moving parts.
• Hermetic construction, sealed electronics.
MAINTENANCE The only caution to be observed is a periodic check of the status of the sensor lens. If necessary proceed to the cleaning of the same, with non-corrosive liquids.
In case of vertical installation make sure that drops of liquid not adhere to the prism surface, causing false switching.