Adjustable switching point.
Closed cell float.
SPDT micro-switch 3A
ADJUSTABLE level control for the monitoring of liquids both in industrial and civil environment. Proposed in 2 standard versions of rod length, all intermediate lengths are obtained by the user simply shortening the rod of the float.
The principle of operation of these instruments is based on the drive of a micro-switch, located in the head of the instrument, as a result of the hydrostatic thrust exerted by the liquid on the float. The absence of moving parts guarantees extreme ruggedness and a limited need for maintenance.
• Easy mounting, threaded or flanged.
• DIN 43650-A Plug.
Adjustment of the switch point and rod length
• Remove the float (D) from the metal rod by rotating and pulling it.
• Measure the rod from the top of the connector (A) to the detected value in the table Tab.3 according to the desired switch point and the specific gravity of the liquid used.
• The measurement should be carried out with the stainless steel tube fully extended outwards.
• Cut the stainless steel tube at length just measured with a pipe-cutter for 4 mm ∅ and eliminate cutting burrs.
• Replace the float (D) taking care not to damage the silicone ring mounting inside the float itself.