At last, the new CYRANO® concept developed by Valmy® will meet the users’ major expectations:
• No more questions to ask yourself about the fi ltration level to choose: CYRANO® only
provides the maximum protection (FFP3: more than 99% of the particles are fi ltered*).
• Never again will masks be worn round the neck or on the forehead due to discomfort: CYRANO® will remain right in the middle of the face thanks to its unrivalled breathing comfort, equivalent to an FFP1 mask (breathing resistance divided into more than 3 in relation to an FFP1 mask requirements**).
• No longer a need for a valve, that polluting and old technogoly: it is replaced by the high-tech fi bers of CYRANO®, a high-performance and feather weight material.
• CYRANO® has also a very competitive price.
CYRANO® The conventional cup-shaped mask is both reassuring and light weight. Your respiratory tract is shrouded in 10g of comfort.
Exceptional breathing comfort, equivalent to an FFP1 mask (breathing resistance divided into more than 2 in relation to an FFP1 mask requirements**).
This mask features two more patended innovations developed by Valmy® :
• It is 100% recyclable.
• It features an airproof lining at the nose making it completely airtight from the very fi rst inhalation. No need to ajust a nose piece. A perfect seal is guaranteed during the whole working time.