The LIPO series of condensate lifting pots are designed for installation in steam and condensate systems. They are particularly used in condensate lines where condensate must be transported without causing water hammers and noise and lifted to elevated condensate mains.
When condensate is lifted to an elevated condensate mains, the flash steam formed at the outlet of the steam trap will condense due to sudden contact with condensate at a much lower temperature. The steam bubbles implode, reducing their volume while passing to the liquid state. Vacuum is then suddenly formed pulling violently the surrounding condensate which causes pressure shocks and water hammer.
The LIPO prevents this phenomenon from happening, by maintaining an air and flash steam cushion in the upper part of the lifting pot to absorb these shocks, while in the bottom the condensate operates as a sealing liquid. The condensate flowing inside the LIPO is thus pushed by the pressure inside to the elevated condensate mains.
Carbon and stainless steel
DN 15 to DN 100
Flanged EN or ASME