▪Economical solution for low frequency (Daily 2-3 hours open current) mobile welding fume filtration solution.
▪Fully compatible design according respective DIN, EN, ISO and CE standards.
▪Fully compatible design to EN ISO 15012 W3 standard. (Certification in Progress)
▪As standard contamination free filter change from clean air side (Kontaminationsfreier Filterwechsel)
▪Prolonged 300-600 hours filter life with special inlet diffuser. (Filter lifetime subject to welding rod type and work
▪Fully sealed dust free filter mounting with filter sealing and compression.
▪As Standard F9 class filter elements (95% dust separation for 0,3-1 micron particles) or Optional H13 HEPA
Filter (99,95% dust separation for 0,1-0,2 micron particles).
▪As standard “Dirty Filter Signal” warns insufficient air extraction when filter elements are clogged.
▪Increased fire safety with Special inlet diffuser and vertically placed metal mesh prefilter.
▪As standard vertical clean air outlet with silencer ensures low sound levels and no interference with surrondings.
▪High Efficiency and Low Drag External Joint EK-2 type extraction arms are standard accessory.
▪Extraction arm joint hose material is special alloy polyurethane which is Flame Retardant (certified acc to
DIN4102-B1 standard) and High Wear Resistant
▪ECO-series filter units are equipped with high efficiency backward curved and G6.3 level dynamically and
statically balanced.
▪ECO-series special design ensures the most user-friendly, fast and easy maintenance in its class.