VEGAMIP 61 is capable of detecting the limit level of a variety of materials ranging from bulk solids to liquids with great precision even in adverse process conditions. It is highly resistant to material such as dirt, dust and buildup. The microwave barrier VEGAMIP 61 is ideally suited to fulfill all the requirements of the demanding bulk solids industry. The sensor performs its functions without coming int ouch with the medium itself. This particular feature makes it an ideal device to be used in abrasive media or very high temperatures. VEGAMIP 61 has the features of measuring though a microwave permeable window usually made up of ceramic or plastic. Even when used for the purpose of level detection of liquids or object detection, this product offers some outstanding features. It can be deployed for maximum as well as minimum sensors. It also adheres tot he VEGA's plics® concept. All the modular system advantages can be found in this device. It also boasts of plastic, aluminium or stainless steel housing as a variety of antenna systems.