The large UniSlide XY Tables, Manual Series AXY40 and AXY60 and motorized Series MAXY40 and MAXY60 are designed with two A40 or A60 Linear UniSlide Assemblies or two MA40 or MA60 Assemblies, respectively, crossed and inverted with the carriages down for a more stable base. The tables also incorporate a large base for additional stability, two adapter plates to connect the X and Y axis slides, and an extra large work surface.
The lower profile and manual only AXY25 series is designed utilizing four linear A25 UniSlide Assemblies, two working in tandem to provide smooth movement in each direction. Virtually self-contained this table features a height of under 2 1/2 inches and delivers optimal rigidity and support for cantilevered loads.
All Velmex linear manual or motorized stages can also be combined in numerous XY configurations and, with the addition of adapter plates, used as an XY table.
AXY25 Series – These models feature an unobstructed work platform. The models in this series can be purchased with or without a center window / aperture. Standard lead screw advance is 0.100"/revolution.