Jet Fan System is used for exhaust of smoke and harmful gases under control in case a fire occurs at car parks besides daily ventilation of car parks. It prevents smoke to diffuse whole car park and provides smoke free fire escapes in order to allow people to escape safely. VENCO jet fans would run at lower speeds to exhaust CO and other harmful gases generated by vehicles and so operating cost for daily usage would decrease. VENCO jet fans would run at higher speeds to restrict fire area by preventing smoke to diffuse whole car park. Thus, harmful gases and smoke would be exhausted in a short time. The jet fans increase visibility of the firemen and so they can approach to the fire zone up to 10 m distance. Thus, the firemen can extinguish fire in a short time so whole car park doesn’t get damaged.
The uni-directional and reversible models provide flexibility for jet fan layout in a car park
The jet fans have a circular silencer at the both sides to provide a laminar air flow besides reducing noise level.
The uni-directional jet fans have a deflector at the outlet and a zinc plated guard at the inlet. The reversible jet fans have a deflector at the both ends.
The jet fans are tested and approved at 400°C temperature for 2 hours regarding to EN 12101-3 standard.
Electrical motors with IP 55 and H class insulation.
400 V, 3 Phase, 50 Hz Motor
SLE Silencer
MFT Mounting Bracket
MSC Wire Guard