Reference capacitor used for accurate checking of capacitance and high tangent delta (Tan d > 1.10-3). Sensisitive to temperature variations, its interest is mainly regarding its limited weigh and its relative cheap cost
Full description
After 80 years of design and manufacture of any kinds of standard capacitors, any possible voltages and capacitances, Vettiner proposes today the widest range of high voltage standard capacitors on the world market
CP range, applied to "test objects" of relative high tan delta must be perfectly carried out within the framework of Vettiner knowledge and know how and complete the other ranges of standard capacitors using a different dielectric insulant, polystyren, not plutting as SF6 and allowing relative high high-voltages.
Final capacitance of each capacitor belonging to the CP range is constituted of a complex serial-parralel assembly of multiples capacitances.
It is quite difficult to obtain an accurate final capacitance value with this technology but offer the advantage of lower cost of manufacture of reference capacitors with relative low weights, easily transportable and often sufficient for Go - NoGo checking types.