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Software for welding applications VAX series

software for welding applications
software for welding applications
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analysis, visualization, control, verification, acquisition
for high-speed machining, optical, machine vision, for welding applications, multi-protocol
3D, automated
Other characteristics


The VAX© welding solution developed by Visionic’s machine vision engineers automates laser, friction and arc welding operations. Visionic’s 3D optical sensor, designed to withstand intense light and temperature, drives high precision dynamic welding operations. Easily deployable it is a perfect match to your welding needs in a wide range of assembly and production lines. Versatile VAX© takes charge of a range of welding operations : • Pre-weld : automated or robotized tool guidance. • Welding : dynamic guidance, visualization and analysis of solder bath. • After weld : dimensional control of weld beads 5 to 10 times faster than manual welding Manual welding requires costly labor which, because manual, is less than 100% reliable. VAX© eliminates both labor and its potential for non-conformances, and additionally provides : Ease of operations Integration with advanced automated processes Relies on software-enabled robot communication Real time verification of solution implementation Handles all trajectories Handles all materials Depending on application, VAX© is 5 to 10 times faster than manual welding. Laser directed power controls Variable power LED annular lighting Laminar forced air system Interchangeable protection glass Working distance 40mm to 100mm Field : 6/13/20mm Standard or elbow-jointed version Acquisition and control software
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.