Our Stainless Steel Filter Elements consist of a support shell that is covered with smooth filter fabric. The support shell, the end caps and the filter fabric are made of stainless steel.
The two seals are made of Teflon.These filter elements by default are available in 18 different grades of fineness as well as in 9 different lengths.
• High flow rates
• High temperature resistance
• Very resistant to high differential pres-sures
• Possibilities for cleaning and reuse
• No material dissolution into the filtrate possible
The resulting pressure loss in the clean stainless steel filter elements is very low; the maximum permissible differential pressure is 6 bar. However, we recommend cleaning the filter elements at a differential pressure of 2.5 bar.
Our stainless steel filter elements can be cleaned from a fineness of 40 μm up by washing or blow-ing them out. They last almost indefinitely when handled properly. At existing back flushing devices backwashing may be done even without removing the elements.