Meet dioxin emission requirements without the burden of costly new equipment. GORE® REMEDIA® Catalytic Filter Bags remove dioxins and furans (< 0.1ng/m3), provide dust control and work with existing baghouses in a variety of applications.
GORE REMEDIA Catalytic Filter Bags simultaneously provide dust control and remove up to 99% of total dioxins and furans.
The threat of dioxins is drawing increasing attention around the world. Governments are phasing in tougher dioxin restrictions, and reports about dioxin levels in food products have generated widespread concern. Issues related to dioxin emissions and disposal are moving up the environmental agenda. With heightened public awareness, stricter regulations and potential penalties for non-compliance, it's more important than ever to avoid the risks associated with inadequate dioxin control.
GORE REMEDIA Filter Bags help you efficiently meet dioxin and furan emissions requirements without the burden of costly new equipment – all you need to do is install new filter bags. These bags are specially developed to filter for dioxin and furan emissions, removing it from your gas stream safely and efficiently.
The innovative dioxin filter system is effective and cost-efficient. Safer for the environment, safer for employees, simpler to use.
Unlike sorbent based systems such as powdered activated carbon (PAC), GORE REMEDIA Filter Bags do not merely remove dioxin and furan molecules from the gas stream to the solid residue stream, they destroy them. They use a high-performing, state-of-the-art catalysts to assure long life and levels of destruction that in many cases exceed 99 percent.