Separating Beyond Question Bringing the Power of Mass Detection to You
Certainty Above All Else Minimize the risk of unexpected coelutions or components and confirm trace components with the analytical confidence of mass detection. Enhance the analytical value and productivity of each analysis.
Intuitive operation
More information from every sample
Effortless integration
Increased efficiency
Resolving complexity
Intuitive Operation
ACQUITY QDa is as intuitive as an optical detector, with the robustness to handle all of your analyses. Working in harmony with your chromatography, it is pre-optimized to work with your samples, without the sample-specific or user adjustments typical of traditional mass spectrometers. For the first time, any analytical scientist can consistently generate the highest quality mass spectral data, routinely without the need for any special training or expertise thus eliminating any need to contract out and wait for results from specialist analytical service laboratories.