• Higher yield
• Maximum scanning speed
• Precise scanning results
• 2 integrated laser scanners
Precise scanning is the basis for optimal further processing of the raw product in the highest performance ranges with maximum yield. The Weber weSCAN 3000/5000 models are equipped with laser scanning technology, which permits absolute scanning precision at maximum scanning speed. With a much more precise measurement, more output and thus a higher throughput per minute are possible at the same time. Higher yields and perfect slicing results are the result of this technical master achievement - a decisive advantage especially with uneven natural products such as bacon or raw ham. The data obtained guarantees optimized product utilization with high yield and minimal give-away when slicing pieces and slices.
• Open design, easy to handle
• Modular design: flexible configuration options for a wide range of applications
• User-friendly: 3D display of the scanned product
• Simple to operate via the slicer HMI
• High error tolerance
• Very good recognition of products with fluctuating color contrasts