Highly-flexible WIBObarrier systems. Innovative 3-zone principle for reliably stable protection.
The WIBObarrier system was specially developed for work areas where a stable personal protection, product protection, and high clean air quality are required. Benefit from first-class quality and adaptability. WIBObarrier systems are available as classic safety workstations with a working space (as a sitting or standing workstation) or as a walk-in open workstation WIBObarrier Flow. Other variants are also available for specific requirements. The WIBObarrier LAB containment system features interchangeable process modules or bench units that can be designed to suit the application and allows switching between several process steps such as granulating, drying, sieving, and coating within a single containment environment. The WIBObarrier systems are also available as a Duo with operation from both sides or as Horizontal Flow.