Headspace analysis (HSA) as a method for leak detection is based on the detection of gas concentration changes in the packaging. The Bombing Station allows a controlled conditioning (overpressure or negative pressure) of the environment of a test sample with compressed air, carbon dioxide or further gases. The gas exchange within a test sample without modified headspace happens within a short period of time.
Bombing as a method to accelerate air ingress
Headspace Analysis (HSA) as a test method for leak testing is based on the detection of a certain trace gas in the headspace of the test object. The Bombing method patented by WILCO allows the gas concentration to change in the event of a leak in the shortest possible time – even for test samples without vacuum in the headspace. This enables the HSA Method to be used for many applications such as:
■ For leaks in headspace and in product area
■ Shelf for bombing of multiple containers parallel
■ Inserts for dry ice to simulate deep cold storage conditions
■ Pressure profiles for simulation of transport condition, storage over shelf life and as alternative to dye ingress testing
■ Programmable pressure profiles (max. 12 pressure changes)
■ Extraction for rapid, controlled venting of the chamber
■ Regulator for limiting the flow of process gas
■ Pressure reducer to limit the pressure of the process gas or compressed air
■ Stainless steel pressure vessel with integrated monitoring window
■ Integrated pressure gauge for manual pressure control
■ Exhaust for venting the chamber and the process gas (e.g. CO2)