OXIDESTAR is a range of CHEMSTAR modular series made of Polypropylene and Stainless Steel AISI 316 Modules for the combination of Lines in the fabrication of printed circuit boards.
This series is a combination of horizontal Chemical Spray, Chemical Immersion and Rinse modules for Oxide Replecement process lines, thus the Innerlayer copper surface conditioning.
Oxide replacement or Alternative Oxide is used for replacing traditional black oxide process. It creates a uniform, brown, organ metallic conversion coating on copper surfaces, ensuring enhanced bonding between the inner layers and the pre-preg used in multilayer manufacture.
Machine provides enough condition for chemical reaction; special design flood bar ensure chemical exchange flow rate and uniform coating between chemical and copper surface.
Specific materials have been used in transportation system to prevent roller mark forming on the panel surface.
Typical process flow: Acid and/or Alkaline cleaner to remove finger print, Pre-dip to prepare the copper surface to the following step and avoid drag-out from cleaner, Oxide replacement process to provide the right copper roughness and topography for proper bonding of the resin, final DI rinse and dryer.
This series is available to accommodate panel widths of 650 (25,5”) and 760mm (30”).
Chemstar series can process panel from 0,5 to 5 mm (.020” to .200”) thickness as a standard, but can easily works with boards down to 0,05 mm. (.002”) using the Thin Material System or up to 12,7 mm. (.500”) with the Thick Board Option.