FIX: pre-set, for 3-component gas mixtures.
Features new mixing technology patented by WITT, eliminating the need for a receiver.
For the exact pressure and flow capacity ratios, please refer to the data sheet.
high mixing accuracy
avoids the need to stock multiple pre-mixes (cost-saving)
does not require receiver (cost- and space-saving)
inlet gas filters protect the device against impurities
pneumatic operating principle, no electrical connections required
mixed gas production from 17 SCFH to the max. flow
robust, compact design
panel for wall mounting
minimal maintenance required
Easy operation:
blends are factory-set and tamper-proof (FIX)
High process reliability:
independent of pressure fluctuations in the gas supply
independent of withdrawal fluctuations (in permitted range)
fail safe design (unit shuts down on failure of either gas supply)