The stainless steel isolation seals, oil impregnated bearings andlow leakage bearing assemblies prevent fire, gas and smoke spreadthrough ventilation systems, maintaining the integrity of that division,bulkhead or deck. For smoke clearance, the damper has been testedat 300°C for 1 hour.Manufactured using modern CNC laser cutting and folding processes,with metal to metal blade tip and blade edge sealing arrangements toachieve exceptional performance without the aid of gasket materials.The MFD holds Type Approval Certification with a number of ClassAdministrations for cellulosic fire conditions, from A-0 to A-60.The MFD is a tried and tested design, which has been supplied onhundreds of projects since 2003. It can be used in both safe and hazardous areas, and has a fully customisable design from simple controllayouts to SIL2 compliant assemblies.