Easy-to-use granule dispenser for Readymix and Precast manufacturers, as well as Color-Blender/Bagger/ Construction supply companys. Alternatively, upgrade to our full granular system FLEX 70.
- Computer-controlled blending from four base colors.
- Color blend is stored in a recipe and can be reproduced over and over providing consistent colors.
- Thousands of colors are immediately available and ready to go.
- Computer-controlled tracking of color usage.
- Customized bagging into dissolvable bags or bins.
- Numerous plants and customers can be served from one location.
- Simple usage for the end user – one bag per yard of concrete.
- Very low maintenance due to the totally dry and dustfree system.
- Safe and reliable usage in harsh conditions, no winterizing necessary.
- Completely preinstalled and tested in our factory in Germany prior to shipping.