HGD-600 sea engineering geological exploration drilling rig is a top drive power head type drilling machine with long feeding stroke. It adopted advanced technique of adjustable rotary speed frequency changer and is equipped with 12 or 8m high derrick. It can be used to work under the condition of 80 m water depths and wind scale less than 5 grade. It is also used for water area geological exploration drilling and pile hole drilling in rivers or lakes. Main set of drill can be used for drilling pile holes on land.
● To pd riv epow er headofdr il ladopts frequencycha nge toa djust rota rysp eedst epl essly .Itfea ture slong feed ingst roke,c ompacts truc ture,rat ionala rra ngement and wid eregu lat ingsp eed rang e,withther esu ltthat d rilling machi necanme etthed emandof dril lin gina great variet yofcompli catedfor mation.
● Saf etyandr elia blefal ling- resis tanta ppar atusof top dri vepow erheadc ane nsuret hesafe tyofeq uip mentand person nel.
● Fee dmicro- ad justin gme chanismo fdri llingm achine can ensur ebot hequi pme ntan dperson alsa fe ty.
● Mec hani zati onof brea k-outd rill rodswi thhydr aulic break-o utap parat usre duces laborstr engt han din crease dr illin geff ici ncy.
● Movin gtop driv ep owerhead rearwardin tegra llyensu res largef loorsp aceand conven ient forfreq uentlyho isting an dlo werin gth edrill ingrod.
● Eq uipp edwit hthe advance dbot tomsa mplingdev ice,it canmeetsa mplingdem andin compli cated format ion.
● Rotary speed of top drive power head(rpm) Low speed range (forward and reverse)7-200