The Best in Basic Multi-Angle Light Scattering for Absolute Macromolecular Analysis
The miniDAWN® TREOS® II determines absolute molar mass and size to characterize proteins, peptides, small polymers and nanoparticles in solution. Coupled to size exclusion chromatography (SEC or GPC), it eliminates the uncertainty and hassle of column calibration, for true confidence in macromolecular characterization.
The TREOS II not only offers superb sensitivity—it further enhances productivity thanks to some unique capabilities: field serviceability, upgradeability to UHPLC and One-Click Mw™.
Included with each miniDAWN is a copy of ASTRA, the most versatile software package available for analysis of online multi-angle and dynamic light scattering. ASTRA and the TREOS II incorporate advanced ease-of-use features that help guarantee excellent measurements with a single click.
Learn about the technical advances introduced in the TREOS II in the free white paper, The Next Generation Compact MALS Detector.