ZEROMATIC dual-axis inclination sensor
The ZEROMATIC is a high-precision dual-axis inclination sensor for long-term monitoring with a measuring range of ±1°.
The ZEROMATIC dual-axis inclination sensor is perfectly suited to monitoring even the smallest of changes in inclination over longer periods. The excellent accuracy is achieved through regular and automatic reversal measurements, allowing the determination and elimination of any drift of the absolute zero.
The ZEROMATIC sensor has the following features:
Measuring range: - - ±1°
Long-term accuracy: - 1 Arcsec
High-precision mechanics for the automatic reversal measurement
Rugged precision aluminum housing to minimize external influences
Data transmission to PC/laptop or to a display unit
LED, showing the status of the instrument
There are two versions of the ZEROMATIC sensor available: ZEROMATIC 2/1 and ZEROMATIC 2/2.
The ZEROMATIC 2/1 has one inclination sensor which continually measures either in the X or in the Y direction. When carrying out a reversal measurement, the sensor stops at four positions: +X, +Y, -X and -Y. Afterwards the new exact, absolute inclinations in both X and Y directions are made available. The ZEROMATIC 2/1 is typically used to monitor inclination changes of structures such as dams and bridges, which exhibit only slow changes. The interval between 2 reversal measurements is usually in the range of 15 minutes to 6 hours.