SMP6100A séries of pressure transmitter fcaturc high quality, high stability, small size, low wcight, compact structure, low cost and mass production. The product arc widcly used to mcasurc pressure of air comprcssor, auto cnginc, air conditioning equipment, etc.
Pressure sensor chipset is sclcctcd from wcll known international brands,Thc product is made of stainlcss Steel.Spécial circuits arc adopted to adjust zéro value and full range frccly. The products have been approved with CE, intrinsically safe, and cxplosion-proof ccrtificatcs.
Non-polar two-wirc currcnt output and thrcc-wirc voltage output arc provided. Products arc produccd according to international standards of advaneed design, pcrfcct tcchnology, scicntific management, strict production and quality control and have been sold to over 50 countrics.