I - .Ammeter
2. - Mlcro-computor integrated protection device
3. - Maln switch energy-storogo indicator
To know tho onorgy-storago of main switch operation mechanism by observing tho indicator.
4. - Enorgy-Storago Operation Hole
Store energy for mam switch operation mechanism by us ng the operation handle to rotate energy storage mechanism shaft
5. - Podlock Device for Energy Storago Operation Holo
Tho padlock plate that in Inkago with padlock device shield tho Hole. so that tho operation handlo can be insorted in tho Holo only when tho padlock device is stroked. And tho device shoo'd be padlocked to prevent unauthorized personnel operato wrongly.
Display the internal air pressure va'ue relative to tho outside of tho air box.
7 .Counter Indicator
Indicato th© cumulative opcning/closing frequency of main switch operation mechanism.
8.0bscrvation Window
Observe tho closing/opcnmg position of grounding switch and disconnector switch through this observation wndow.
9. - Groundmg Electromagnetic Lock
Tho grounding switch can be Operated only if the switch is not charged.
10. - Groundmg Switch Operation Holo
Operate openmg/closing control of grounding switch by using the operation handlo to rotate the operation shaft of grounding switch.
II - .Isolatod Lighting Button
The lamp of observation window is controlled by tho Lighting button.
12-Capacitive Charging Indicator
The charging indicator shows whether the bushing is charged, and threo sockets below the indicator can be used in secondary checking phase. The charging indicator set switch button, which can effectively prolong its service life.
13. - Cablo Chamber Door
14. - Remoto/Local Conversion Switch
15. - SF6 free