EasyBand® Low Loss Bending Insensitive Single-mode Fibre is suitable for optical transmission systems which operates over the entire wavelength window from 1260 nm to 1625 nm. It is an advanced product of YOFC bending insensitive fibre, which possesses all advantages of Low Loss Fibre, and also improves anti-bending properties, combines low loss and bending insensitive properties. EasyBand® Low Loss Bending Insensitive Single-mode Fibre is fully compatible with standard normal single-mode Fibre, and thoroughly meets multiple demands of multi-channel, high bit-rate, long distance transmission and anti-bending properties.
Due to its outstanding performance in both attenuation and bending resistance, EasyBand® Low Loss Bending Insensitive Single-mode Fibre is fully compatible with different cabling and differentiated systems in different installation environments of trunk network, metropolitan area network, access network and resident network.
EasyBand® Low Loss Bending Insensitive Single-mode Fibre meets or exceeds the ITU-T Recommendation G.652.D/G.657.A1 including the IEC 60793-2-50 type B1.3/B6.a1 Optical Fibre Specification.
• Possesses advanced anti-bending and low loss properties
• Achieved the operation over full optical spectrum from 1260nm–1625nm, and increased the system transmission capacity
• Lower attenuation, which meets the demand of extended long distance transmission
• Good bending loss resistance at short radius bends
• Accurate geometrical parameters that insure low splicing loss and high splicing efficiency