Pressure vessels are used in various industrial plants with significant amounts of gas, compressed, liquefied and dissolved under pressure. Pressure vessels are used for the transport and storage of these gases. Boilers are used in order to meet the steam required by industrial plants. This boiler and pressure vessels are required to fulfill the safety and duty required by the manufacturer on the one hand and the user on the other. This coordination needs to be ensured. For this purpose, each country has established control institutions within itself.
In pressure vessels, periodic checks must be carried out. For example, pipes in a boiler should be tested at test pressure before the air cools down in summer. Missing pipes must be replaced. Defects and damages caused by faults in pressure vessels are directly related to the knowledge level of the technical personnel. In order to train a knowledgeable staff, these people can be provided with full training in maintenance, attitude, service, repair and so on.
Even in a fully automated plant, there is a technical person who must press a button in a certain situation. Pressing this personnel ‘s finger at the right or wrong time may cause this plant to be saved or destroyed. It is a fact that it is inevitable to manufacture pressure vessels and boilers in accordance with the standards and rules that we believe have an important place in the opening of our developing manufacturing industry.