The ZED SmartMeter is a comfortable operating and display device in the form of common handheld radiometer. It provides a graphical measurement-progress indicator to evaluate the temporal stability of the values. The measured values can be recorded over a defined period using the data logging function.
UV-C Reference Radiometer
- use with ZED Reference Sensor D-SiCONORM-LP-REF for checking DVGW and ÖNORM compliant plant sensors
UV-C meter
- use with ZED D-SiC UV sensors with RS485 interface
- use with ZED D-SiC-I/U UV sensors with 4-20mA, 0,-2V or 0-10V signal output
- use with ZED D-SiC-SLS UV side-looking sensors
Data Logger
- save measurement data to SD-Card (duration and intervall adjustable). The log files can be opened on the PC with a text editor or imported into spreadsheet program for analysis.
ZED Sensor Configuration Tool
- set / change ModBus address of D-SiC UV sensors
Digital ZED UV sensors may alternatively communicate via ModBus with customer specific control units. The changeover to ModBus - communication and the assignment of the ModBus address can be done using the ZED SmartMeter.
- setting up analog output D-SiC-I/U sensors
Digital ZED UV-C - sensors can also be supplied with an analog voltage or current interface. The required irradiance value for the particular UV facility can be assigned to the analog output value with the ZED SmartMeter. (e.g. 150W/m² ≙ 20mA)
- optional: in-field recalibration of ZED D-SiC sensors
The measurement range is defined by the connected sensor, the SmartMeter does not have to be recalibrated.