DEPTA is the smallest machine in a large family of ZEMAT TG HF welders. It is robustly constructed and designed for accuracy and long life, and features a very positive steel head mounting slide formed with a double "V" mechanism.
For seaming type work, a small tool mount is recommended to give good visibility and access to the work area. For other applications a large mount can be supplied giving rigid support over a wide tool area. Facilities are also available to increase the throat space, where excess materials have to be positioned behind the tooling.
The machine is widely used in medical, automotive and clothing industries for welding small add-on parts, like tubing, air and fluid valves, hooks, grommets, plates, etc.
DEPTA have a HF power output from 0.5 to 4kW. Machine is a perfect tool for auxiliary production where precision, manual approach, durability and strength are the keys.