One-shot Results for Narrowband, Full Spectrum and Harmonics
• Outstanding accuracy of 0.015% of measured value + 0.01% of range
• Full dynamic range of 500 µA to 32 A / 300 mV to 1000 V per channel available in single instrument
• Power measurements from standby to full load (max. 32 A) without mechanical changes
• Analog bandwidth DC up to 10 MHz
• Gapless sampling up to 18 bit and a minimal cycle time of 30 ms
• Delay time between V and I input < 3ns, very precise measurements at small power factors (PF) and/or high frequencies
• Simultaneous measurement of narrow- and broadband values through innovative DualPath architecture
• Simultaneous capturing of fundamental frequency and broadband RMS values for instantaneous detection of losses, resp. high-frequency components
• Harmonics and interharmonics up to 2000. order, as required by EN61000-4-7
• With optional I/O card speed/torque inputs freely configurable for all signal types (analogue, frequency as RS422,TTL or HTL) via menu
• Flexible scripting tool for custom applications
• Simultaneous measurement of V, I, P values and harmonics, presentation in tabular or graphical form
• Signal filters freely configurable by frequency, type and characteristics
• Synchronization to different frequencies
• Flicker measurement, interactions between grid and appliance according to EN61000-4-15