Once soldered SMD components normally can only be removed from the printed circuit board or substrate by using de-soldering processes applying massive heat to the device. With the novel ONYX Milling machine, SMD components can be milled off the substrate very precisely. A clean surface results, perfect for the placement and soldering of new components.
Main Features
• High frequency precision spindle up to 80`000 min-1
• Entire process without any tool change
• Different tools with e.g. diamond coating
• Automatic tool calibration in X / Y and Z direction
• X and Y linear motors
• Precise process accuracy, precision in μm
• Integrated exhaust device of the processing head
• Down looking image data processing
• Circuit board holder
• ONYX Milling application software
Precise removal of components
The developed dust and particles from the milling process are completely vacuumed in the closed processing chamber. The rest solder between the printed circuit board and the component can be removed mechanically and gently up to an exact definable height. Potential “underfill” material can also be removed within the same process. Trough parallel milling of the existing solder, printed circuit boards, master cards or substrates can be prepared for the placement of new components. The substrate is not harmed by the milling process and provides excellent surface conditions for the solder process of the new components and neighbor components are not being influenced. New components can be placed and soldered immediately with other products from Zevac, e.g. with the ONYX 29.