LT-Series Modules: The versatile, reliable and safe Low-Temperature for Primary Power Generation and Waste Heat Recovery by Zuccato Energia.
Designed using cutting edge-technologies, the LT-Series ORC power generation modules by Zuccato Energia are a compact and efficient solution for small-scale primary power generation. Available with electric power outputs ranging from 75 to 495 kWE, they use overheated water as a vector fluid and find their ideal field of application in association with biomass-fueled boilers, as well as for waste heat recovery from furnaces, ovens and industrial processes in general.
An lt-series ORC module (ZE-175-LT) seen from the control panel side. The cabinet beside the control panel hosts the power converters and the mains interface panel.
A ZE-175-LT ORC module seen from the thermal connections side. Connection to the heat source is made through an overheated (t≥ 160°c) water loop.
The integrated winch that simplifies the only periodic maintenance operation required by a Zuccato Energia module, I.E. The turbine swap-out to preventively replace the turbine bearings every 8000 hours of operation.