Model-based systems engineering, or MBSE, is a methodical way of looking at complex problems that yields tremendous insights. Rather than scattering information across multiple documents, diagrams, and spreadsheets, the knowledge is captured clearly and cohesively in an authoritative systems engineering source of truth. You have one idea in one place providing the right data at the right time in the right presentation for communication and analysis. With GENESYS, Zuken offers a powerful next-generation MBSE software that is equally suitable for modelling and verifying products, system architectures and systems of systems.
Vitech GENESYS is an integrated model-based systems engineering software toolset that covers all four domains of systems engineering — requirements, behavior, architecture, and verification and validation — holding all of the information in the tool itself and allowing you to do the engineering.
With GENESYS, all model information resides in a single repository. A single model captures all details and customer needs and tracks all changes.
The single repository of GENESYS allows you to develop and trace system architecture from system to subsystem and into component levels.
GENESYS supports a wide range of formats and views: from DoDAF and SysML diagrams to EFFBD and parametric diagrams to engineering reports.
GENESYS easily interfaces with 3rd party tools, such as: Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Phoenix ModelCenter MBSE, and Simulink.